Public Speaking Coaching For Every Level of Speaker
Your public speaking coach helps you to speak with confidence, clarity, and charisma!
We work with all levels of speakers for highly skilled to “I’d rather call in sick than give a presentation.” Wherever you fall in this spectrum, we can help you to reach new heights in your career.
If you’re an advanced speaker, we help you craft and deliver a speech that engages and enchants, is memorable, and leaves lasting ripples of reverberation throughout time as it’s played again and again.
If you’re an intermediate speaker, you could define ‘public speaking’ as communicating with your team and colleagues, we can help you too! You may have received feedback that you’re too quiet and have been asked to speak more. The opposite could also be true, when you do speak up at a meeting you’re met with puzzled looks and silence. You could be a ‘rambler.’
Believe it or not, verbal communication excellence is the #1 skill sought by recruiters and hiring managers alike; This outranks complex problem solving, working in teams, and writing well.
Verbal communication excellence is viewed as extremely valuable because it’s relatively rare. Here’s why we focus on the 3 Cs:
–Confidence– Speaking with confidence demonstrates self-assuredness and authority.
–Clarity– Having confidence without clarity can hurt your career! Clarity means that you can articulate an idea in a concise, logical, and linear manner.
–Conviction– The ability to speak with charisma to compel, enchant, and inspire your listeners.
Working with your public speaking coach, you’ll learn a concrete communication framework to speak with confidence, clarity, and conviction consistently.

If you fear public speaking, we can help you move from fear to confidence in 2 short weeks!
If you fear public speaking when you give presentations it is ‘just uncomfortable’ it’s pure torture! I know because it used to be me! As the time gets closer and closer for you to speak you may feel any or all of the following sensations also known as ‘fight or flight:’ your heart begins to pound, breathing becomes shallow, thoughts are scattered and fleeting when you most need them, stomach churns, hands shake, and voice quivers.
Imagine instead that as the time draws closer and closer for you to speak you feel completely calm. You feel confident. Your body is totally relaxed and you actually want to share your insight and information with your team. This total transformation can be you 14 days from today! You’ll learn 11 steps that incorporate the power and principles of neuroscience to quickly conquer this fear.