Your interview coach helps you be prepared, knowledgeable, and confident,
exuding a solid Executive Presence.
You'll be the standout candidate and obvious choice.
It's just not fair for your competition!

Your interview coach helps you to skillfully articulate your Career Success stories and effortlessly navigate any interview questions.
Working with your interview coach, you’ll can–
- Learn how to apply the STAR interview technique to any question. Let’s use, “tell me about an occasion when you had to complete a project within a tight deadline.”
- The ‘S’ stands for a situation. “The CEO assembled a team of 20 to create a specific technological platform and product. In 18 months, the team hadn’t made significant progress. He disbanded the team, put me in charge, and had me choose three colleagues for this newly formed team.”
- The ‘T’ stands for the task. Describe the task assigned to you. “The CEO wanted a working prototype within one month and a completed product ready for release within six months.”
- The ‘A’ stands for action. “Leading a team of only three, we eliminated all unnecessary components of this product and focused on the core functionality.”
- The ‘R’ stands for the results. “We had a working prototype within three weeks. The CEO took it to the potential buyer, and it was approved. We finished the completed product within four months, and just the first sale was five million dollars. The CEO was thrilled, and this product continued to sell well over the years.”
- Demonstrate verbal communication excellence; This is the #1 skill sought by recruiters and hiring managers alike and outranks complex problem solving, working in teams, and writing well. Verbal communication excellence means you can speak with confidence, clarity, and conviction.
- Practice and perfect your professional achievements highlight stories. You must capture their attention and keep it.
- You have a phenomenal Executive Presence; this is a quiet but unmistakable confidence and authority.
- Learn to master the art and science of mirroring: This is highly effective in establishing rapport and trust with the decision-maker. ‘Cultural fit’ or likability is the single most critical decision-making factor, as stated by over 40% of managers.
- Learn to navigate the tricky questions skillfully. You know, those challenging ones! Here are just a few:
- “What’s your biggest deficit as a manager?”
- “What’s your biggest career failure and what did you learn from it?”
- “What was the most challenging thing you’ve had to overcome in your life?”
- “Tell me about a recent conflict with your manager and what was the outcome?”
You’ll be ridiculously well-prepared and ready for most anything!